

Once in the dead of night, I felt a shiver down my spine
A call, a beckoning, to join the witches' grand design
The skies were dark, the moon obscured, the air so thick with fog
And as I stumbled through the mist, I felt my heart agog

My feet were weary, my thoughts a blur, as I approached the grove
The trees loomed tall, the shadows deep, and fear began to rove
I heard a cackle, felt a breeze, and suddenly I knew
I was not alone, but in the midst of witches, old and new

They gathered 'round a fire bright, and danced a frenzied dance
Their eyes aglow, their voices high, they were in a trance
I felt a pull, a tug, a yearning, to join in their delight
To cast off all my mortal shackles, and revel in the night

The witches chanted, called upon the ancient gods and sprites
They called for power, for wisdom, for the gift of second sight
And as they danced, their circle tight, I felt a sudden chill
For I knew that once I joined them, I'd be bound to their dark will

But still I longed to join their dance, to cast my fate to chance
To leave behind my mortal form, and join in their romance
I stepped into the circle's midst, and joined in their wild glee
And as I danced, I knew that I was lost eternally

The night wore on, the fires burned, and the witches cast their spells
And as I watched, my mind grew dim, and I heard their dark propels
They spoke of power, of life and death, of magic pure and true
And as they spoke, I knew that I had found my calling too

So now I walk the witches' path, and dance on Hexennacht's eve
I cast my spells, I call the gods, and I never will deceive
For I have tasted magic's might, and it flows within my veins
And on the night of Hexennacht, I know I'll never be the same.


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